Divya Public School Simultala a new chain of schools under of the Divya Public Educational Trust. This group spare heads a mission to achive excellence in education through cutting edge learning tools combined with the human touch and the unique Gurushishya (Teacher-pupil) bond of the Dipsites.
We at Divya Public School Simultala are committed to provide worldclass educational framework to the students .As Divya Public School Simultala dipsites knoledge initiative; we would effort to produce thinkers, innovators, researchers and in true sense.
Divya Public School Simultala aims to insil in each child a sense of curious and exploration and motivate for experimentation, observation and synthesis .We offer to free the learning process from the confins of the four walls of class rooms and take it further activity workshops .Resource centers ,laboratories and library, teachingless for learning more . Every child is promote to inculcate the value of citizens . A commitment to good health ,high value and sensitivity to the envirnment.
We endever to guide and support each child in the journey from primary to sineor school and prepare them for the world beyond school.